
Tags allow you to create entirely new structures for organizing the data and objects in your model, and can be used for grouping, organizing, filtering, coloring and subtotaling.  Every object on the schematic can be assigned one or more user-defined tags, and tags can be grouped into user-defined tag categories.  Think of tag categories as different dimensions for your data, such as location (north, south, east, west), river basin, economic sector (industry, agriculture) or ownership (state, federal)

Tags can be used to group objects within a type (e.g., group demand sites by type, such as Municipal, Industrial or Agricultural), or to group objects across types (e.g., by location -- all demand sites, reservoirs, groundwater nodes, rivers, etc. in the north would be tagged North, all objects in the south would be tagged South).

You can edit the master list of tags on the Manage Tags screen.  Each WEAP dataset has its own list of tags, although you can export tags from one area and import them into another.

Tags can be added to WEAP objects either on the Schematic or Data View.  You can also add tags to branches beneath Demand Site and Catchment branches, but you cannot add tags to Key Assumption or Other Assumption branches.  If you tag a river on the Schematic View, it will only tag the river.  However, if you tag a River branch in the Data View, all the nodes and reaches on the river will also be tagged.

The menu option Tags, Export to Excel can be used to make a quick report of all tags on objects .  This is also an easy way to edit tags for many objects at once.  Edit the list in Excel, then choose the menu option Tags: Import from Excel to read in the edited list.  When you Import tags from Excel, WEAP will add the tags listed in the spreadsheet to the list of tags already existing for a branch.  (And a tag added to a branch will also be added to all the branch's descendents.)  It will not remove any tags from a branch unless the list of tags read from Excel is blank.  In this case, WEAP will remove all tags from the branch.  You can also use this method to create new tags -- any tag imported from Excel that does not already exist will be created, with Color = White and Category = Uncategorized.  

Note: Because tags have no impact on calculations, changing the list of tags or adding and removing tags from branches will not cause WEAP to need to recalculate results.

See also: Manage Tags, Tagging on the Schematic, Tagging Branches, Filtering, Using Tags to Filter, Group and Subtotal Results, Scenario Explorer, Tag API

Menu Option: Tags