Subject: WEAP file system Posted: 1/17/2006 Viewed: 48756 times
WEAP file system Spyros Michas smichas smichas@hydroex.grHello, Does anyone know where I can learn more about the WEAP file system? I've spotted the areas as folders in the "Program Files" folder of my computer.
Is it possible to define a shared folder in my network as a repository for the areas?
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Running WEAP on a network Posted: 1/17/2006 Viewed: 48749 times
Running WEAP on a network Jack Sieber jsieber jsieber@tellus.orgWhen you install WEAP, you can decide what folder to install it in. The default location is C:\Program Files\WEAP21, but you can install it anywhere you want, including a folder on a network drive. Once WEAP has been installed, each WEAP "Area" will be placed in its own subfolder under the main WEAP21 folder.
NOTE: although WEAP can be installed on a network drive, WEAP itself is NOT a multi-user system. Therefore, only one person at a time can run each instance of WEAP (a copy of WEAP installed to a particular folder)--otherwise, the data files could become damaged.
Dr. Spyros Michas
Subject: Running WEAP on a network Posted: 1/18/2006 Viewed: 48740 times
Running WEAP on a network Spyros Michas smichas smichas@hydroex.grThanks for your answer Jack.
I suppose this means that I cannot have just the areas and related data somewhere else on the network in order to be shared, because they need to be under the installation folder of the software.
Dr. Mehdi Mirzaee
Subject: WEAP file system Posted: 1/18/2006 Viewed: 48733 times
WEAP file system Mehdi Mirzaee MMirzaee's not problem if you want to install WEAP to the other folder. I don't remember that how it was installed, but in my Computer I don't like to install everything on program files. Now I use it from another folder. All of your Area will be made on WEAP folder on your computer. And interesting thing is if you uninstall WEAP or install a newer version all of your projects area will be remain and after first Running WEAP, it automatically changes. Ofcourse for the getting first result, it may take more time.
Ms. Jhennifer Ruiz Rozo
Subject: Re: WEAP file system Posted: 1/26/2016 Viewed: 25531 times
I change the folder of weap, and when i try o open the old projects the links of soil parameters are broken and i hace to update manual. What i can do?
Ms. Stephanie Galaitsi
Subject: Re: WEAP file system Posted: 1/27/2016 Viewed: 25520 times
Dear Jhennifer,
Have you changed computers? Were you getting data from .csv files? It's possible that the pathways plugged into WEAP for those .csv files no longer exist.
When using .csv files within WEAP, it's always best to save the files in the folder for that WEAP area. That way, they are always tied to the model.