Subject: adding new area Posted: 12/24/2005 Viewed: 37620 times
adding new area vasu deva vizagvasu vizagvasu@rediffmail.comi would like to know about adding area by using arc_view. i didnot understand throug user-guid.
Deleted User
Subject: Re: adding new area Posted: 12/25/2005 Viewed: 37611 times
Re: adding new area Mohammad Sohrabinia ms_gis2003 ms_gis2003@yahoo.comHi You can use XTools extention, found in file>Extetions>XTools then a menu named XTools will apear. Activate the theme that you want to calculate its area and then open XTools menu and there click "Update area, perimeter, acres and length" command. All area of the polygon features will be calculated. Note that this command works only for layers that have metric coordonate system like UTM or Lambert. For geographic projection you will get wrong results. Wish you success Mohammad Sohrabinia
Dr. Mehdi Mirzaee
Subject: adding new area Posted: 12/26/2005 Viewed: 37607 times
adding new area Mehdi Mirzaee MMirzaee
For the first time, I had this probelm, but I finally solve it, Don't worry at the first!! First, save your background on a shape file or a raster file. After that >> File,Create new area, initially balnk then follow windows... you can see a world map, after that you have to adjust your project map on it. you can use your mouse for selecting a box for focousing on a part of world. But I advice you another way, After saving your shape file, right click on box for choosing layer, browse your shape file and choose it. after that you don't see any thing !!! :) don't worry!! you don't set your boundary yet. Thus Right click on your map, choose Set Area the left hand you will see your project map, zoom on it and be sure that in right panel you will see that map. Press Ok and Enjoy by WEAP!!!
vasu vadlamani
Subject: thank you, sir Posted: 12/26/2005 Viewed: 37595 times
thank you, sir vasu deva vizagvasu vizagvasu@rediffmail.comi am thankfull to you for replying to my message (subject:adding new area)
from vasu.v
Deleted User
Subject: RE: adding new area Posted: 12/26/2005 Viewed: 37590 times
RE: adding new area Juan Carlos Salazar Moo juansalazar juan.salazar@yucatan.gob.mxMuchas gracias por la información que me enviaron.
Juan Carlos Salazar Moo Infraestructura Secretaria de Desarrollo Rural y Pesca Gobierno del Estado Calle 21 # 444 Frente a la Plaza Cívica de la Ciudad Industrial CP.97983 Mérida, Yucatán Tel. (999) 930.38.30 Ext.60050, 60052 <> Visite
Dr. Mehdi Mirzaee
Subject: RE: adding new area Posted: 12/29/2005 Viewed: 37579 times
RE: adding new area Mehdi Mirzaee MMirzaee are all Welcome....