Subject: Different colours for demand sites Posted: 12/20/2005 Viewed: 38229 times
Different colours for demand sites steve crerar stevecrerar Is there any way if having different colours or shapes on the schematic for different types of demands sites (i.e. to differentiate between irrigation farms, cities, and other users? Merry Christmas Steve
Dr. Mehdi Mirzaee
Subject: Different colours for demand sites Posted: 12/26/2005 Viewed: 38221 times
Different colours for demand sites Mehdi Mirzaee MMirzaee
Unfortunately in this version you can not do this. GUI just let you to enter demand site in general form. You know that there is no any difference between a farm and a city in entering things... I mean for both, you just enter the same things, but in detail windows you can make apart.
Be success
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Different colours for demand sites Posted: 12/26/2005 Viewed: 38211 times
Different colours for demand sites Jack Sieber jsieber jsieber@tellus.orgMehdi is right--WEAP does not allow different symbols (color or shape) for different types of demand sites. We had considered adding this feature, but decided against it because we didn't want to have too many different types of symbols.
Dr. Mehdi Mirzaee
Subject: Different colours for demand sites Posted: 12/29/2005 Viewed: 38198 times
Different colours for demand sites Mehdi Mirzaee MMirzaee!! I think that one of the best reason which I prefer WEAP than the other IWRM programs, is simplicity. Please keep it!