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All Topics | Topic "Slow software response on Windows Server"
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Mr. behzad sarhadi

Subject: Slow software response on Windows Server   
Posted: 6/25/2024 Viewed: 1463 times
I recently run this software on Windows Server 2019. Despite the sufficient resources and good server speed, it takes about 3 minutes to even move between the internal windows of this software. Why?
Mr. Doug Chalmers

Subject: Re: Slow software response on Windows Server   
Posted: 7/6/2024 Viewed: 1052 times
Hello Behzad,

Some go-to fixes in WEAP to help it work faster:

1. Are you storing any large files within the model subfolder for this model within the WEAP areas folder? Storing excessively large files in this folder can slow WEAP down.

2. Have you switched off Background Image Layer? Using a background image layer can slow down navigating the schematic.

3. Under Data --> Edit --> Automatic Calculations, is Automatic Calculations toggled off? If you click at a branch in the Data tree that contains many child branches, Automatic Calculation may have to calculate many expressions at once. Try turning this off.

4. It sounds like you're experiencing slow down in the schematic and data screens and not in calculating results, but
check under General --> Solver --> XA is checked. XA solver is much faster.

This is the advice I can offer without knowing the specifics of your model or your machine specifications. I'm not familiar with Windows Server or the impact that may have in using WEAP. How many objects do you have in your model?

Hope this helps!
Topic "Slow software response on Windows Server"