Subject: annual water use rate for agriculture Posted: 4/27/2024 Viewed: 2305 times
can we use the crop water requirement in the section of annual water use rate for agriculture? if can't then how the annual water sue rate for agriculture will be calculated. pls guide
Mr. Doug Chalmers
Subject: Re: annual water use rate for agriculture Posted: 4/29/2024 Viewed: 2250 times
The way you build your crop demand in WEAP may depend on your data. You may enter the area of your crop under Annual Activity Level, the volume of water used each year of each area unit under Annual Water Use Rate, then change the monthly distribution of the demand under Monthly Variation.
Alternatively, you may enter your crop demand for each timestep directly into WEAP (or use a ReadFromFile) by navigating to your demand node in the Data Tree --> Advanced --> Specify Monthly/Daily demand (note- you may have to enter a unit first in the Annual Activity Level to get this option to appear under advanced).
If you are using catchments to represent your crop demand, you may want to use the MABIA method, which has targeted data for specific crops. To learn more about MABIA, please see our Tutorial chapter for its use in WEAP, located near the top of this page: (Note that the MABIA tutorial is listed separately from the standard tutorial file.)
Does this give you what you need? Hope this helps!
Ms. Aiman Zafar
Subject: Re: annual water use rate for agriculture Posted: 5/6/2024 Viewed: 1921 times
Thank you so much, In the monthly demand , I have to add total monthly demand of all crops by taking sum of all crops demands or I have to break it down in WEAP like a disaggregated approach
Ms. Anne Hereford
Subject: Re: annual water use rate for agriculture Posted: 5/7/2024 Viewed: 1889 times
Hi Aiman,
Both of the options you ask about are possible and have their advantages. Disaggregating the data would allow you to model changes in area devoted to each crop. Lumping them all together keeps the model a little simpler. It just depends on the level of detail required for your analysis.