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All Topics | Topic "Inquiry about how to calculate remain water in previous month?"
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Ms. Sam Truong

Subject: Inquiry about how to calculate remain water in previous month?   
Posted: 2/14/2024 Viewed: 2054 times
Dear all users. Thanks for your help!

I am a newer who is developing a simple model with monthly input including headflow, groundwater recharge and river reservoirs. I am wondering about how to calculate remain water in previous month which will be available for water demand in next month? Does it equal "Inflows to Area" minus "Outflows from Area"?

In my understanding, the unmet demand is calculated based on supply requirement and supply delivered, it means that we don't know how much water we have in total. Is it right?

Could you please help me to explain this situation?
If possible, I really want to know whether the demand-supply process calculation based on "Supply and Resources" results part and what is it in this process.

Thank you very much!

Best regards,

Mr. Doug Chalmers

Subject: Re: Inquiry about how to calculate remain water in previous month?   
Posted: 2/15/2024 Viewed: 2044 times

If I understand your questions correctly-

If one month has supply that exceeds the demand, then you should see an increase in reservoir storage. The amount of water available in the following month would then be equal to the previous month's reservoir storage (minus any deadpool storage) plus the total inflows coming in that month (as long as the locations of the inflows are along the same rivers connected to your demands).

Unmet demand is equal to the amount of demand that was not able to be fulfilled in a given month. It is equal to water demand minus supply delivered.

Hope this helps!
Topic "Inquiry about how to calculate remain water in previous month?"