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All Topics | Topic "Watch the 50K Webinar replay, and the new WEAP highlights video"
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Mr. Jack Sieber

Subject: Watch the 50K Webinar replay, and the new WEAP highlights video   
Posted: 2/5/2024 Viewed: 2471 times
If you missed our interactive webinar last month in celebration of surpassing 50,000 WEAP users and of WEAP's 35th anniversary, now you can watch the replay.

Full webinar replay (90 minutes)
Brief History of WEAP: Highlights from the last 35 years (11 minutes)
WEAP User Testimonials (7 minutes)

See these and many more videos on the WEAP YouTube channel:

We celebrated WEAP's achievements by highlighting how the tool has helped crack water planning puzzles and what the software can do for you in research, policy-making and more. A panel of experts working at the frontier of water resources management and policy making addressed key issues in sustainable and equitable water use.

Speakers included:

- Marina Mautner, Scientist, SEI (moderator)
- Jack Sieber, Senior Scientist, SEI
- Melina Balderrama, Program Coordinator, Bolivia WATCH
- Joy Busolo, Senior Climate Change Specialist, World Bank Group
- Kamyar Guivetchi, Manager of Division of Planning, California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
- David Yates, Scientist in the Research Applications Laboratory, National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder, Colorado

Our panelists provided insights from their experiences using WEAP to inform decision-making in protecting water quality and quantity.
Topic "Watch the 50K Webinar replay, and the new WEAP highlights video"