Subject: Modflow Link Error "reading discretization error", HDF is not supported Posted: 11/14/2023 Viewed: 2963 times
Dear Members
I intended to link my Modflow model to WEAP via available MODFLOW LINK within the WEAP model However I encountered an Error called "Error in reading modflow discretization"with description of "HDF such as hd4 or hd5 is not supported.
I couldn't find any similar topic for this problem and want your favor to help me to resolve it, if possible.
Mr. Doug Chalmers
Subject: Re: Modflow Link Error "reading discretization error", HDF is not supported Posted: 2/15/2024 Viewed: 2207 times
Some information from Jack to share-
I think HDF refers to a hierarchical data format binary file, which is similar to NetCDF. The versions of MODFLOW that come with WEAP do not support this file type, but the user could try downloading updated versions of MODFLOW that do support this file type. They would replace the MODFLOW .exe files in the WEAP Program Folder. Here is one website that seems to have such updated versions, although we cannot make any guarantees about the validity of them: