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All Topics | Topic "Node size Schematic"
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Eng. Lamine Ousmane Sangare

Subject: Node size Schematic   
Posted: 10/19/2023 Viewed: 2524 times
I am using WEAP 2023. The shape of the arrow and its direction cannot be changed. It persists when I close the WEAP and reopen it.
Mr. Doug Chalmers

Subject: Re: Node size Schematic   
Posted: 2/15/2024 Viewed: 1888 times
Eng. Lamine,

Apologies for the slow response. Hopefully you have resolved this by now, but sending a few tips to try in case not-

In the WEAP schematic, go to Schematic, Set WEAP Node size to change the size of your nodes.

Right click on the schematic and Set Area Boundaries and try setting a smaller area.

If this is a river object, try right clicking on it and saying Disconnect Endpoint and then re-attach it. Unfortunately, there is no way to reverse the direction of a river in the schematic.

If you ended up finding a solution, we would love if you could please share with the WEAP forum so we can all learn.

Hope this helps!

Ms. Elaine Claire Macaspac

Subject: Re: Node size Schematic   
Posted: 4/16/2024 Viewed: 1658 times
Good day, Eng. Lamine,

I also had this problem previously. It was resolved once I have set the area boundaries to the size of the catchment area that I have delineated on WEAP. The arrows seem to be larger when the size of the set area boundary is larger, so I assume the size of the arrows depend on the size of the set area boundary, and not the delineated catchment itself.

I hope this helps.


Topic "Node size Schematic"