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All Topics | Topic "Un expected result"
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Eng. Mesfin Mitiku CPhD Candidate) Feleke

Subject: Un expected result   
Posted: 10/3/2023 Viewed: 2550 times
I recently tried to evaluate the water resources of Awash Basin in Ethiopia. After entering all relevant data the result became so unexpected that the predicted flow is highly exaggerated particularly in the current account. even if the predicted trend is good the numbers are much more than reality. How can I correct this and where do you think is the error?
Mr. Doug Chalmers

Subject: Re: Un expected result   
Posted: 2/15/2024 Viewed: 1762 times
Eng. Mesfin,

Apologies for the slow response-

My first thought would be to check all of your units along the way, especially if you are referencing other WEAP branches within a WEAP expression, and the units of any input time-series. My second thought is, if you are using the soil moisture method to calibrate, to check on the results of soil moisture- it is possible that you are staying near 100% soil moisture, making elevated inflow happen in the model.

If you ended up finding a solution, we would love if you could please share with the WEAP forum so we can all learn.

Good luck!

Topic "Un expected result"