Subject: How to build pump storage in WEAP Posted: 5/17/2023 Viewed: 2892 times
This is a question regarding combined water-energy planning.
In WEAP, how to simulate the process of pumping water by pump storage and the water recycling during this process? And how to link this process in WEAP to LEAP?
Thank you!
Best regards,
Ms. Anne Hereford
Subject: Re: How to build pump storage in WEAP Posted: 7/27/2023 Viewed: 2475 times
Dear Lin,
Thank you for posting your question.
I suggest the following:
To simulate pump storage, try creating a diversion from below the dam back into the reservoir and put a flow requirement on the diversion.
There should not be anything special about pump storage in terms of linking to LEAP. You'll need to link the power output from the reservoir to LEAP, but you would do this anyway.
Do give extra consideration to which timestep you select for your model. If the pump storage operates daily and your model is monthly, the model won't pick up on the energy generated by pump storage. The timestep comes into play when modeling anything cyclical.