Subject: water balance model Posted: 4/19/2023 Viewed: 4140 times
Any one could help?
I would like to know the development of original water balance model which was used in Soil moisture method. The paper WatBal: An Intergrated Water Balance Model for Climate Impact Assessment of River Basin Runoff (David N.Yates, 1996) refered to an original paper Water Balance Model Kaczmarek, Z. 1993 Water Balance Model for climate impact analysis, ACTA Geophysica polonica, 41(4), pp. 1-16 but I can not access to that paper
Thanks in advance!
Mr. Doug Chalmers
Subject: Re: water balance model Posted: 2/5/2025 Viewed: 69 times
It looks like the paper you mention, Water Balance Model Kaczmarek, Z. 1993 Water Balance Model for climate impact analysis, ACTA Geophysica polonica, 41(4), pp. 1-16,
can be accessed here:
For more information on the soil moisture method, please search in the WEAP Help for "Soil Moisture Method".