Subject: Unmet Demand whereas enough water supply available Posted: 12/12/2022 Viewed: 3957 times
Dear Experts,
I have built a WEAP Model and enough water is available on the Upstream side of the river whereas when the model was run successfully it is showing unmet demand with a very considerable amount. For Example, Upstream 1000 Million Cubic Meters (MCM) of water is available and the demand for city + agriculture is 350 MCM and after running it is showing unmet demand. Both demand sites set the priority as 1.
Ms. Anne Hereford
Subject: Re: Unmet Demand whereas enough water supply available Posted: 2/20/2023 Viewed: 3603 times
Hello Saira,
Is this a model you have made from scratch? Are there any other elements in the model other than the demand sites you have mentioned? Do you have a flow limit on the transmission links from the River to the Demand Sites? Is there a Flow Requirement on your River?
Topic "Unmet Demand whereas enough water supply available"