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All Topics | Topic "Are results of simulation and optimization models in reservoir operation applied to some resevoirs"
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Dr. Akbar Karimi

Subject: Are results of simulation and optimization models in reservoir operation applied to some resevoirs   
Posted: 9/9/2022 Viewed: 4530 times

I am working on a project in Oman with TRC regarding the Energy Schemes feasibility for Wadi Dayqah Dam in Oman. I am using WEAP and GAMS, I wanted to know the optimization or simulation models developed such as WEAP, CALSIM, HECResSIM or HECResPRM, MODSIM, MIKEBASIN, RIBASIM or customized optimization models within GAMS environment are practically applied in some of the reservoir systems or not? and if applied what was the results and efficiency of such models?

I will appreciate your answers especially the experts and professional in dam sector.

Best Regards,
Mr. Doug Chalmers

Subject: Re: Are results of simulation and optimization models in reservoir operation applied to some resevoirs   
Posted: 2/5/2025 Viewed: 106 times

How has this project been going?

I wanted to send a few resources. First, please check the Publications page of our WEAP website at https://www.weap21.org/publications/ to see what other literature has been produced on this topic. Additionally, I should share that WEAP is an allocation model, rather than an optimization model. For more information, see the "Objective Function and Iterations" topic in the WEAP help.

Apologies that we did not get back to you originally.

Topic "Are results of simulation and optimization models in reservoir operation applied to some resevoirs"