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All Topics | Topic "How to input flow to demand site"
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Mr. Bagus Panji Pamungkas

Subject: How to input flow to demand site   
Posted: 8/22/2022 Viewed: 4330 times
Hi, I'm new on WEAP. I want to ask about inputing flow requirements to demand sites, as far as I know, demand sites have annual activity level, we have to input the unit as areas, flow, etc. But when I use flow unit (CMS), in annual water use rate the unit would become m3/CMS. How do I input only CMS unit in demand sites? Because I only have the flow requirements data. Thank you very much
Ms. Anne Hereford

Subject: Re: How to input flow to demand site   
Posted: 8/30/2022 Viewed: 4261 times
Hi Bagus,
I think you'll need to do the conversion. You can either do this outside of WEAP before your bring your data in, or by setting up a conversion factor as a Key Assumption and then using that key assumption in a formula for your water use data.
Assuming your data is CMS taken as an average through the year, the conversion would be
x60 s/min x60 min/hour x24 hour/day x 365.25 days/year. That will get you from CMS to cubic meters of annual usage.

Topic "How to input flow to demand site"