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All Topics | Topic "I get mismatch between flow entered as CMS and river flow as MCM"
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Dr. Akbar Karimi

Subject: I get mismatch between flow entered as CMS and river flow as MCM   
Posted: 7/18/2022 Viewed: 4090 times

I have made reservoir operation model, the inflow entered as cms. In the results just to be sure everything is fine, riverflow is checked not matching with cms values per month. they are 40% higher in results.
I checked the WEAP Example "WEAPING River Basin" it has the same issue. Yuo may check Weaping river Heaflow in April 2010 (196 cms equal to 508 MCM) but in results if you check riverflow for the same location it is 560 MCM (10% difference).
Mr. Jack Sieber

Subject: Re: I get mismatch between flow entered as CMS and river flow as MCM   
Posted: 7/18/2022 Viewed: 4086 times
I do not know what is happening in your model, but there is no problem in the Weaping River Basin example. Although the Weaping River headflow in April 2010 is 196 CMS, there is a "Surface Water Inflow" into the first reach on the Weaping River of 20 CMS in April 2010. Streamflow results are the flow at the END of a reach -- for the first reach, it would be the headflow (196 CMS) plus this extra inflow (20 CMS) = 216 CMS = 560 MCM. (Look at the "Surface Water Inflow" variable for the reaches. If you remove this inflow into the first reach, you will see that it is 508 MCM in the results.)

Dr. Akbar Karimi

Subject: Re: I get mismatch between flow entered as CMS and river flow as MCM   
Posted: 7/19/2022 Viewed: 4076 times
Hello Jack,
I found what was the problem, when I wrote ReadfromFile() in the headwater of my river the same has been copied in the reach below river so this type of additional resource was in the model. I have no idea why it was copied there but just after I checked there is no more flow in the river execpt headwater flow problem solved.

Thanks for your guidance.
Topic "I get mismatch between flow entered as CMS and river flow as MCM"