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Miss Milko Abishu

Subject: No subject   
Posted: 7/12/2022 Viewed: 2957 times
Hi Guys! how can we draw and rename river on WEAP river network it was not active for me?
Ms. Anne Hereford

Subject: Re: No subject   
Posted: 7/15/2022 Viewed: 2942 times
Dear Milko,
Welcome to WEAP!
There are two ways to add rivers in WEAP.
1) Click and drag the river icon on the left to your model/map area. When you release the mouse, you will have the first vertex of your river. Continue to click along the path of the river, double-clicking to finish.
2) Use Catchment Delineation Mode. Click and drag the Catchment icon from the list on the left to your model/map area. You will be asked if you want to use Catchment Delineation Mode. Rivers will automatically draw within the catchment, and area, elevation bands and land cover will be calculated if selected.
To rename a river, right-click on it and choose General Info.
You might find it useful at this stage to go through the Tutorial and/or Videos (linked on the left-hand side of the WEAP website under the heading Using WEAP). There is a video about using Catchment Delineation Mode.

Topic "No subject"