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All Topics | Topic "WEAPApplication.Scenarios"
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Ms. Zahra Karimi

Subject: WEAPApplication.Scenarios   
Posted: 6/25/2022 Viewed: 5213 times
Dear All,
How can I remove these errors?

1.WEAPApplication.Scenarios: Invalid Scenario: Current Accounts.

2.WEAPApplication.ResultValue: Invalid Branch: Variable name:\...

I tried to use Examples (using VB script) in WEAP API Classes But I can not understand what is wrong! also, when I run the code several times, the errors change! some disappear new ones appear! I am a beginner and need help very much!If you have a sample file about this, please share with me.
Thank you all for your attention.

Mr. Doug Chalmers

Subject: Re: WEAPApplication.Scenarios   
Posted: 2/5/2025 Viewed: 105 times
Zahra and for anyone else wondering,

Best use practices of the API can be found in the WEAP Help- search for "Application API". You will need to ensure that your code is in the format listed for the scenario and resultvalue functions. The help lists the following examples:

PRINT WEAP.ResultValue("\Demand Sites\South City:Reliability") 'Reliability is for the entire study period, so doesn't have a year or time step parameter

SET S = WEAP.Scenario("Reference")
Topic "WEAPApplication.Scenarios"