Subject: Automatic catchment delineation export to ArcGIS -- Coordinates? Posted: 2/27/2022 Viewed: 5352 times
I wanted to use the Automatic Catchment Delineation tool from WEAP to generate my basin and its respective catchments, and then export it to ArcGIS to work with it. I went to the WEAP Areas folder, grabbed the Shapefiles named WEAPCatchments, WEAPRivers, etc., and tried to import them in ArcGIS, but for some reason they don't have any geographical information associated.
Is there any file that I'm missing in order for ArcGIS to recognize what the geographical information source for these shapefiles is?
Thank you so much in advance.
Ms. Anne Hereford
Subject: Re: Automatic catchment delineation export to ArcGIS -- Coordinates? Posted: 3/3/2022 Viewed: 5332 times
Hi Jesús,
The default coordinate system used by WEAP is the Geographic Coordinate system WGS 1984. Entering this in your GIS should land the catchments in the correct place.
Topic "Automatic catchment delineation export to ArcGIS -- Coordinates?"