Subject: Valley simulation Posted: 1/28/2022 Viewed: 5182 times
If I want to simulate valley in WEAP, should I use river or diversion?
Ms. Anne Hereford
Subject: Re: Valley simulation Posted: 2/1/2022 Viewed: 5165 times
Hi Haya,
Thank you for your question. Most WEAP models start with a river.
Generally speaking, Rivers in WEAP are meant to represent natural water bodies and their flow is determined by headflow and/or runoff from catchments. Diversions represent man-made conduits to take water from one river or diversion to another or from one part of a river to another location downstream on the same river. If you add an example River and Diversion to your model you will see that the two require different inputs. The flow in Diversions is sourced from rivers or other diversions and can be controlled based on time or other conditions in the model.
Feel free to respond with more details if i have not answered your question here.