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All Topics | Topic "Weap - Modflow Linkkitchen and Python"
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Mr. Dinh Ty Nguyen

Subject: Weap - Modflow Linkkitchen and Python   
Posted: 1/26/2022 Viewed: 5768 times
Dear all,

My modflow2005 model was generated by Flopy package in Python, I'm using Linkkitchen to link Modflow and Weap models, the results come out with some problems:

1. Groundwater (GW) level of linked model is far from GW of original Modflow model, even I used the recharge from Modflow or from WEAP (Rainfall Runoff (simplified coefficient method).
2. I don't have the measured Flow-Stage-Width data, hence I used set proposed from Linkitchen (I try all sets proposed by Linkkitchen), most of these sets cause the problem that riverstage become river bottom at all stressperiods. I had change the parameters (mean water level, streambed width, strickler coefficient,...) but the results seem no change. I also used Vbs script to let WEAP use the original river water level from Modflow at all time steps, but GW level in the linked model still very different from that of Modflow model.

I'd be very grateful for any suggestions.

Mr. Markus Huber

Subject: Re: Weap - Modflow Linkkitchen and Python   
Posted: 1/27/2022 Viewed: 5753 times
Dear Nguyen,

If a river is dry, the value of "river stage" becomes the same as "river bottom elevation" in the *.riv-package file, no matter how the streambed is designed.

What data was used for setting up and calibrating the MODFLOW model and the river package? Because this also requires a recommended minimum of streambed and flow data.

Topic "Weap - Modflow Linkkitchen and Python"