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All Topics | Topic "Climate-precipitation Annual precipitation input"
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Miss Wenying Ren

Subject: Climate-precipitation Annual precipitation input   
Posted: 11/24/2021 Viewed: 5977 times
When I input the precipitation in the reference plan, may I ask if I can only input the annual precipitation? But I have not found the way to input the annual precipitation.
In the unit window in the menu bar, I also can't find a place to modify the unit.I have set the year from 2016 to 2019 according to the reference. If I cannot only input the annual precipitation, can I input the annual monthly precipitation? I noticed that in the Month Time-series Wizard, there is no year division, just a window of months
Ms. Anne Hereford

Subject: Re: Climate-precipitation Annual precipitation input   
Posted: 11/24/2021 Viewed: 5965 times
The default unit for precipitation is mm/timestep. So if you're running your model with 12 times steps per year the units will be mm/month. You can change to an annual timestep (1) under the General menu. Alternatively, you can use an expression to enter each month's precipitation value as annual precipitation/12.
Miss Wenying Ren

Subject: Re: Climate-precipitation Annual precipitation input   
Posted: 11/25/2021 Viewed: 5951 times
Thank you for your answer, but in the reference plan, I want to set the precipitation from 2016 to 2019. If I input the annual precipitation, I find that the precipitation in 12 months of each year is the same, but if I input the monthly precipitation, it cannot reflect the different years, especially in 12 months of each year, the precipitation is different.Looking forward to your reply again.
Ms. Anne Hereford

Subject: Re: Climate-precipitation Annual precipitation input   
Posted: 11/27/2021 Viewed: 5944 times
Dear Wenying,
You can input annual precipitation as Step(2016,70, 2017,82, 2018,72, 2019,95 ) (where 70, 82, 72, and 95 are the precipitation values for the respective years 2016-2019). This is the Yearly Time-Series Wizard (you can choose this by clicking the dropdown within the expression line when in the Precipitation tab). You can enter this expression for the reference scenario or for its parent scenario (Current Accounts by default).
I you want to provide monthly precipitation data that varies by year, i suggest you use the Read From File Wizard to input a CSV file with columns YEAR, MONTH, PRECIPITATION. For more from doing a Read From File, check this section of the WEAP help: https://www.weap21.org/WebHelp/Read_From_File_Wizard.htm

Please let me know if i have continued to misunderstand your question.

Miss Wenying Ren

Subject: Re: Climate-precipitation Annual precipitation input   
Posted: 11/30/2021 Viewed: 5933 times
Thanks for your answer.
Topic "Climate-precipitation Annual precipitation input"