Subject: reservoir storage volume Posted: 6/3/2021 Viewed: 6770 times
Hello every body
I have a question about operation tab in modeling reservoir.
How much volume should be entered for the top of conservation tab?
If I leave this tab blank, the model assumes it equal to the storage capacity by default leading to show reservoir is full in all months, i.e. although there is water release from reservoir but there is not any decrease in storage volume.
What should I do to get real volumes for storage volume capacity?
Best wishes
Ms. Anne Hereford
Subject: Re: reservoir storage volume Posted: 7/8/2021 Viewed: 6456 times
Dear Parvin,
You might be able to get reservoir operations data from the reservoir operator or the government. However, this information is often withheld due security concerns. The volume required for flood control depends on local conditions and regulations, but rarely would it be zero. My recommendation would be to 1) communicate with the dam operator or other officials to request the data (which likely vary by season/month) or 2) research local flood control requirements for reservoirs more generally. You might also check for reports or papers that have used WEAP models including reservoirs in your region.
Data collection is often one of the most challenging aspects of building a WEAP model and you may have to make some educated guesses. For example, it’s usually safe to assume that the top of conservation is higher in dry months than in the rainy season.