Subject: Calibration Posted: 4/6/2021 Viewed: 6504 times
I build a WEAP model without using catchment node or streamflow gage, the model centralizes around demand sites, water resources "mainly groundwater, and WWTPs, and the connection between them "transmission link and return flow". so the Water Year method was used in the model.
My question is how can I make calibration and validation to the model, knowing that I have data for two years (2019 and 2015). does the validation required in this case?
The parameters that I have used for the calibration is the "Maximum flow percent of demand" and the "supply preference", do my steps/procedure correct?
Thanks in advance.
Mr. Doug Chalmers
Subject: Re: Calibration Posted: 2/5/2025 Viewed: 66 times
Limited times with observed data is a common challenge for calibration/validation. In general, you must split the times between calibration and validation periods. If you only have two years of data, you may only have one calibration year and one validation year. For more information, I would research literature that may discuss this topic.