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All Topics | Topic "Invitation to the survey for weighting factors affecting flood risk"
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Ms. Hasret Sahin

Subject: Invitation to the survey for weighting factors affecting flood risk   
Posted: 4/5/2021 Viewed: 5455 times
Hello everyone,
We are arranging a survey who are interested or working in the field of water management and planning. The research aims to assess the dissemination of the flood risk and to determine flood-prone risk areas. Seven flood conditioning factors (slope, soil, aspect, distance to rivers, precipitation, land use, and flow) will be assessed.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are very appreciative of the time you have taken to assist in our analysis.

The survey link: https://bpmsg.com/ahp/ahp-hiergini.php?sc=Ejymyr

1. Please click on the link provided.
2. Please write your name and surname (or the name you will use) to participate in the survey, in the space under "Your Name".
3. Click on "Check input" at "AHP Session Input Menu".
4. Then press the "Go" button indicated with a red frame.
5. On the opened page, you are given information and explanations about the research subject. To fill in the questionnaire, press the button labeled "AHP" and marked with a red frame.
6. The questionnaire consists of 21 comparative questions. Select one of the 2 given criteria and then fill in the importance this criterion plays in flood risk assessment on a scale of 1-9. Scale equivalence is given below. If you think your decision is among the main values given below, you can use the numbers 2,4,6,8.
1- Equal Importance, 3- Moderate importance, 5- Strong importance, 7- Very strong importance, 9- Extreme importance (2, 4, 6, and 8 values in-between).
7. After marking your answers, press the "Calculate" button and then click the "Submit" button outlined in red.
8. After you press the "Save Judgment" and "Done" button, your answers will be processed in the system.
Thanks for your time.
Topic "Invitation to the survey for weighting factors affecting flood risk"