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All Topics | Topic "What can I use as a supply source to meet demand"
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Mr. Abdullahi Ibrahim

Subject: What can I use as a supply source to meet demand   
Posted: 3/26/2021 Viewed: 5067 times
Good day, should in case I don't have data for monthly stream discharge can I use a multipurpose reservoir as a main supply source if I have data on the monthly releases is available or a percentage evaluation of the monthly releases

Thank you.
Ms. Anne Hereford

Subject: Re: What can I use as a supply source to meet demand   
Posted: 7/8/2021 Viewed: 4522 times
Dear Abdullahi,
Assuming that the streamflow in the area you are modeling is primarily governed by the reservoir releases, using that data as a proxy for streamflow should not present a problem.

On the other hand, if your modeled area is larger and/or more complicated, including substantial flow coming from tributaries, runoff or other sources that you are not modeling, using reservoir release data exclusively will result in a model of limited usefulness.

I recognize that you posted this question a while ago, but i hope my answer will be useful to others even if it is too late to be of use to you.

Topic "What can I use as a supply source to meet demand"