Subject: Reservoir vs diversion Posted: 3/3/2021 Viewed: 7812 times
Dear WEAP community
My model is countrywide, I added the demand sites and the recourses (mainly groundwater), and linked them using the transmission links. However, in some point one demand site have to give another, for this situation should I used the reservoir at each demand sites that required the transmission to - from another demand sites and link the GW resources to that reservoir, and from that reservoir I build transmission links to demand sites. OR should I use the diversion instead of reservoir.
Thanks in advance
Ms. Anne Hereford
Subject: Re: Reservoir vs diversion Posted: 3/12/2021 Viewed: 7724 times
I think this would depend on the infrastructure you're modeling. If there is, in fact, a storage facility at the demand site, you should build the model with offline reservoirs represented at the demand sites.
If there is no storage and the water available for one demand site to "give" to another is simply the volume of water in the pipeline at a given time-step, then there's no need to set up intermediate reservoirs.