Subject: Tutorial (Demand Site) Posted: 11/24/2020 Viewed: 7260 times
I am a newbie here. I was browsing through the tutorial module, and I encounter a question. It was mentioned that the consumption is written as 15. How do I get the value?
Ms. Anne Hereford
Subject: Re: Tutorial (Demand Site) Posted: 11/27/2020 Viewed: 7237 times
Dear Farah,
Consumption is "water that is lost to evaporation or treatment, embodied in products, or otherwise unaccounted for." (from the WEAP User Guide). This sort of data can sometimes be obtained from your local water utility or from other water resources experts in your region.
Perhaps others on the forum could respond with the values they have used to represent various types of demand sites.
Ms. Farah Rahmat
Subject: Re: Tutorial (Demand Site) Posted: 12/3/2020 Viewed: 7224 times
I see, thank you for the answer Ms. Anne