Subject: Where to feed reservoir release data in WEAP. Posted: 10/16/2020 Viewed: 6696 times
Hello WEAP community.
I am beginner to WEAP.
I am setting up the model using Rainfall runoff soil moisture method.
I have a reservoir in my study area situated on the main river.
The releases from the reservoir is available in daily time step, but I am not getting where to feed this release data.
Please guide me through it.
Ms. Anne Hereford
Subject: Re: Where to feed reservoir release data in WEAP. Posted: 11/8/2020 Viewed: 6625 times
Dear Gauray,
Dictating the reservoir releases in WEAP is a little tricky. You could set up a Flow Requirement just downstream of the reservoir with a priority of 1 and input the release data there. But if you have other demand sites downstream, they will probably affect the water released from the dam.
You could also enter the dam release data to a Streamflow Gauge just downstream of the reservoir so you can compare the flow generated by your model to the historical data as part of your model calibration.
Hope that helps a little.
Mr. Gaurav Sharma
Subject: Re: Where to feed reservoir release data in WEAP. Posted: 11/16/2020 Viewed: 6601 times
Thankyou So much Ms. Anne!!!
It helped me a lot to calibrate the model for historical time period.
Thankyou so much again!!!
Topic "Where to feed reservoir release data in WEAP."