Subject: Netcdf files and usage of WEAP in a server Posted: 7/21/2020 Viewed: 7670 times
Hi everyone,
I am wondering if there is a way to easily use netcdf (spatio-temporal data) files without averaging over the watershed. Indeed, I am working with multiples climate models and I have to extract climate data averaging over each sub-basin for all each model. This will take too much time for me. Is there any way to upload the netcdf data directly, so then the model will extract it according to elevation?
Additionally, due to the size of my data and simulation, my machine can not afford the work and I would like to connect to a server(Super-Calculator); Is there any possibility?
Thank you in advance.
Ms. Anne Hereford
Subject: Re: Netcdf files and usage of WEAP in a server Posted: 9/26/2020 Viewed: 7448 times
If you have used Automatic Catchment Delineation to create your catchments, you can open the Catchment Delineation window (under the Schematic menu) and tell WEAP to add or alter the elevation bands. You can then "Select..." your netcdf file under and check the "Load Climate Data" box.
Topic "Netcdf files and usage of WEAP in a server"