Subject: WEAP export to ArcGIS? Posted: 7/5/2020 Viewed: 7662 times
I need to export my area as a layer on ArcGIS, but I'm not sure how to do it. Does anyone know how, or if it is even possible?
Thank you,
Dr. Salomon Obahoundje
Subject: Re: WEAP export to ArcGIS? Posted: 7/21/2020 Viewed: 7598 times
Hi Lacy,
I am not sure that my answer will be useful for you as It is late. Anyway, if you want to export your shape files created in WEAP to ArcGIS, you have to go to your WEAP Areas and then Backup folder. Then, Go to your Project folder and then look for your river, basin and catchment files (*.dbf, *.FAM, *.shp, *.shx, *.sbn, *.txf) and copy them into a folder where you can easily access it. Import it then to your Arcgis.
I hope this may be useful to someone.