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All Topics | Topic "LInking WEAP-MODFLOW using link kitchen"
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Mr. Mebtu Ageze Sisay

Subject: LInking WEAP-MODFLOW using link kitchen   
Posted: 6/22/2020 Viewed: 7707 times
Dear all,

I am working on linking WEAP and MODFLOW model.
My WEAP model was designed on monthly time steps. while, Steady state MODFLOW model was designed on daily simulation periods. While I have tried to introduce "groundwater node" to WEAP model in Link kitchen, the following error message pop up:

"Calculation of WEAP-parameter aborted

The MODFLOW model is not designed at monthly stressperiods"

I am looking for your comment on the way out.
I thank you for your support.

Mr. Markus Huber

Subject: Re: LInking WEAP-MODFLOW using link kitchen   
Posted: 7/26/2020 Viewed: 7640 times
Dear Mebtu,

the MODFLOW model's and WEAP's timesteps must be the same. If the WEAP model is monthly, the MODFLOW model must also be monthly, but yours is daily.

You should change the MODFLOW model to monthly stress periods.

Best regards
Mr. Dinh Ty Nguyen

Subject: Re: LInking WEAP-MODFLOW using link kitchen   
Posted: 1/15/2022 Viewed: 5351 times
Dear Huber,

Do you have any way to calibrate the Flow_Stage_Width parameters which produced by LinkKitchen when we do not have the measured data? this is important parameter and affects much to the ouput but I did not get any doccument talk about that.

Thanks for your support!
Mr. Markus Huber

Subject: Re: LInking WEAP-MODFLOW using link kitchen   
Posted: 1/17/2022 Viewed: 5341 times
Dear Markus,

the flow-stage-width wizard in LinkKitchen is a convenient helper that calculates the flow-stage-width curve based on exemplary riverbed parameters. These parameters may be changed in order to best fit "your" river. And the parameters can be different for each segment (river reach).

The parameters are
- streambed width
- mean water level
- flow gradient
- bank slope angle
- strickler coefficient (roughness of the river bed)

From this, LinkKitchen calculates the flow velocity and volume, and at the end, the flow-stage-width curve. This curve can be used when recorded flow data is not available or of poor quality. If each of the parameters is set carefully and makes sense, then the calculated curve should also make sense.

In my opinion, measured data is a prerequisite for calibration. Without measured values it is not possible to calibrate any parameter at all.

Best regards

Mr. Dinh Ty Nguyen

Subject: Re: LInking WEAP-MODFLOW using link kitchen   
Posted: 1/26/2022 Viewed: 5311 times
Thank you Mr. Huber for your reply
Topic "LInking WEAP-MODFLOW using link kitchen"