Subject: Balance hídrico en WEAP Posted: 1/29/2020 Viewed: 7960 times
Una pregunta,
¿Alguien sabe si en WEAP es posible realizar un balance hídrico en un área cualquiera del modelo?.
Es decir, si en un modelo existente que ya ha sido corrido, es posible delimitar un área y en ésta que WEAP arroje los resultados del balance (entradas y salidas).
Muchas gracias,
Ms. Anne Hereford
Subject: Re: Balance hídrico en WEAP Posted: 2/6/2020 Viewed: 7936 times
Dear Victor,
You can view inflows and outflows for any river reach that is delimited in your model. In the results, under Supply and Resources, choose Reach Inflows and Outflows. Then you will be able to select the reach that interests you.
If the reach of interest is not yet defined by your model, you will need to delimit it (you can do this with a streamflow gauge) and then run the model again before you can see the inflows and outflows for this reach.