Subject: Urban Water Demand projection Posted: 1/21/2020 Viewed: 8005 times
Hi everyone,
How do I consider the Effect of change in the population during day and night as this urban area am conisdering is highly populated around 2.5-5 million people during day but at night normalises to around 1.5 million peopel
Ms. Anne Hereford
Subject: Re: Urban Water Demand projection Posted: 2/6/2020 Viewed: 7968 times
Dear Patrick,
I would create sub-branches of your city demand site. Right-click and choose "Add...". Call the first branch Daytime ("Day" is a reserved word in WEAP and you might not be able to name the branch "Day"). Repeat to add a branch for "Night". You can then enter the population data and water use data separate for the daytime and nighttime users.