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All Topics | Topic "Dear All regarding the stream flow and demand sites location"
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Mr. Mido Wakeel

Subject: Dear All regarding the stream flow and demand sites location   
Posted: 1/16/2020 Viewed: 7802 times
Dear All,

I would ask if the streamflow is sensitive to the locations of demand sites on the river? and also, should I put the gauge station in the accurate location (Lat and Long) on the river or it does not matter?

Thank you
Ms. Anne Hereford

Subject: Re: Dear All regarding the stream flow and demand sites location   
Posted: 2/6/2020 Viewed: 7767 times
Dear Mido,
Streamflow will be affected not by the locations of the demand sites, but by the locations of the withdrawals and returns of the demand sites. The gauge station should be placed in the correct location relative to other components of the model. IE if your gauge in reality is downstream of the return for Demand Site A and upstream of the withdrawal for Demand Site B, it should also be between the two in your model. It doesn't matter if it's in exactly the right lat-long in your model, as long as it's in the correct position relative to all inputs and outputs.

Mr. Mido Wakeel

Subject: Re: Dear All regarding the stream flow and demand sites location   
Posted: 2/15/2020 Viewed: 7751 times
Dear Anne,

Thank you so much for your response, I appreciate it. actually, I solved this problem. Now, I am trying to do the calibration with PEST depending on Parameters such as Soil water capacity, Deep water capacity, Deep conductivity, ...etc I noticed no change in the simulated streamflow when I change the value. Do you recommend to do something regarding that?

Thank you
Best regards
Topic "Dear All regarding the stream flow and demand sites location"