Subject: Coupled model WEAP-MODEL not converge and open in a GROUNWATER SOFTWARE Posted: 12/4/2019 Viewed: 7698 times
Dear all
We are developing an coupled model with WEAP and MODFLOW, and we have this question: What is the behavior of WEAP if the MODFLOW model don't converge?
There is some warning, or an alert?
There is some tools to correct this situation inside WEAP?
The only solution that we see, at the moment, is run the model outside in groundwater software (like ModelMuse, GMS o GWV) and see there the problem
If we have an coupled (WEAP - MODFLOW) model, there is a way to open directly the groundwater output in a specialized software (GMS, GWV, ModelMuse) to see other results that are no show for WEAP?
Topic "Coupled model WEAP-MODEL not converge and open in a GROUNWATER SOFTWARE"