Subject: Rainfall Runoff method Posted: 10/15/2019 Viewed: 8954 times
Dear sir/ms.
I am currently doing a hydro-logical modeling of a watershed using Rainfall Runoff method to the simulate the stream flow. I used catchment delineation mode in WEAP. The time step I have chosen is Weekly.
After all data were input to the model, I got the simulated result. I compared the stream flow result on the river related to the gauging station with observed flow by doing some statistic. Yet the result is out of the expectation - not fit with observed flow. Then I tried PEST calibration by using some parameters such as Kc in each land use and effective rainfall...etc but the result after the calibration seem didn't change anything.
Do you have any idea or any suggestion for me on this?
Please help me
Sincerely yours,
Dr. Hossein Babazadeh
Subject: Re: Rainfall Runoff method Posted: 10/27/2019 Viewed: 8846 times
Hi Sophon,
It was a difficult question because we don't access to your model to check the parameters. However, a lot of parameters effect on runoff of the rainfall such as land cover, land slope, soil properties, soil moisture condition, etc. You just changed the Kc, I suggest playing with the other parameters to find the high effective item. Sensitivity analysis could help in these situations.