Subject: Error message in results Posted: 9/12/2019 Viewed: 8403 times
Dear all,
I need to use the results of an area developed in a previous version of WEAP with the new version to include further scenarios. When I simply try to re-run the model (without adding nothing to what was done before) I get this error for all my return flows:
WARNING: Not all the inflow to "XY" is consumed but there are not any return flow links to carry away the wastewater. You probably need to create return flow links.
The model was developed in a previous version so I wonder if this might be related to the recent update.
Thank you in advance.
Best regards
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Re: Error message in results Posted: 9/12/2019 Viewed: 8402 times
This is a warning, not necessarily an error. More recent versions of WEAP include added checks on your data to help you find mistakes in your model. This condition already existed in the model, but the previous version of WEAP did not alert you to it.
As this warning message states, the demand site does not consume 100% of its supply, which means there should be return flow of the unconsumed amount. However, there is no return flow link coming from this Demand Site, which means that the water would disappear from the system (unless there was a transmission link carrying the untreated wastewater from this demand site to another demand site).
Dr. Vania Paccagnan
Subject: Re: Error message in results Posted: 9/12/2019 Viewed: 8398 times
Thanks for the prompt reply. Much appreciated.