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All Topics | Topic "Change the location of the 'WEAP Areas' folder from a local to a network drive"
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Dr. Devaraj de Condappa

Subject: Change the location of the 'WEAP Areas' folder from a local to a network drive   
Posted: 6/25/2019 Viewed: 9597 times
I had so far my WEAP Areas in the default location (ie in Documents on the C drive). I want to change its location to a network drive, which in my case is mapped as E:\

Having WEAP closed, I changed in the Registry the value of the entry which stores the location of WEAP Areas (HKEY_Current_USER > Software > Stockholm Environment Institute > WEAP > AreasPath) into E:\WEAP Areas\

I then moved my existing 'WEAP Areas' folder (which contains several areas) into the E:\ drive. I started WEAP after this, it recognises the new location of WEAP Areas but I get the error message "Unable to open database tables in E:\WEAP Areas\, please chose another location".

Would it mean that we cannot have the WEAP on a network drive? Or did I do something wrong?
Mr. Jack Sieber

Subject: Re: Change the location of the 'WEAP Areas' folder from a local to a network drive   
Posted: 6/25/2019 Viewed: 9593 times
Yes, the current version of WEAP has problems saving files on a network drive. However, an upcoming new version will be able to save to network drives, probably available by the end of August 2019.
Dr. Devaraj de Condappa

Subject: Re: Change the location of the 'WEAP Areas' folder from a local to a network drive   
Posted: 6/28/2019 Viewed: 9552 times
Thanks for your reply Jack!
Topic "Change the location of the 'WEAP Areas' folder from a local to a network drive"