Subject: Increase in glacier volume when model is run for more than 15 years Posted: 6/21/2019 Viewed: 8850 times
I am using WEAP to simulated runoff of a small stream in Beas basin, Western Himalaya. There are 22 glaciers in the catchment of this stream. When I run the model upto 15 years, I find the glacier volume is decreasing, which is expected and the values are in accordance with glacier volume obtained by other methods. But, if I run the model for more than 15 years, glacier volume shows increasing trend after an initial decade of volume loss. I think this could be due to the simulated glacier depth is increasing tremendously (initial to 20 m to 94 m at the end of 24th year)in the higher elevations (more than 5700 masl)which is not feasible realistically. Can someone help with how to deal with this problem?
Many thanks
Topic "Increase in glacier volume when model is run for more than 15 years"