Subject: Shape file display Posted: 6/4/2019 Viewed: 8579 times
Shape file of my study area is not displayed on WEAP Schematic area. My coordinate system is WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_37N. Ethiopia is located at the northern hemisphere. What is the problem? Please give me the solution.
Thank you
Ms. Anne Hereford
Subject: Re: Shape file display Posted: 6/19/2019 Viewed: 8523 times
Dear Henok,
While you're right that your shapefile needs to be in WGS 1984, it looks like you're using a projected file. Your shapefile projection should simply be WGS84. This is sometimes referred to as unprojected. It's based on lat-long and doesn't use meters as in UTM zones.
For more, try looking at other shapefile questions in the WEAP forum.
Mr. Henok Demissie
Subject: Re: Shape file display Posted: 6/21/2019 Viewed: 8515 times
Dear Anne Hereford
Thank you for your response, I already correct it.
Thank you in advance!
Ms. Priya Chowdhury
Subject: Re: Shape file display Posted: 1/10/2022 Viewed: 5082 times
How did you correct it? My coordinate system is GCS_WGS_1984. still the shape file is not displayed on WEAP Schematic Area.