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All Topics | Topic "estimate surface runoff with WEAP Model"
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Mr. Henok Demissie

Subject: estimate surface runoff with WEAP Model   
Posted: 6/4/2019 Viewed: 9603 times
Hi, WEAP Members

To estimate surface runoff the rainfall runoff method in WEAP chosen to simulate surface runoff in the study area; the following type of data is required to perform rainfall-runoff simulation using this method: Land use (Area and Kc) and Climate (Precipitation, Effective precipitation and ETo). I have the all the above data, but I don’t know how to estimating surface runoff by using WEAP model. Please give some suggestion and procedure to use it. Please feel free to answer my question.

Thank you
Ms. Anne Hereford

Subject: Re: estimate surface runoff with WEAP Model   
Posted: 6/19/2019 Viewed: 9544 times
Dear Henok,
Take a look at the Hydrology Chapter of the WEAP tutorial (linked at left under "Using WEAP"). This will walk you through entering the data and viewing the modeled results.
If you have already entered the land use and climate data, click on Results in your WEAP model. You can then select Surface Runoff in the top dropdown menu (you'll find Surface Runoff under Catchments) and view the modeled values as a Chart or in a Table.
Mr. Henok Demissie

Subject: Re: estimate surface runoff with WEAP Model   
Posted: 6/21/2019 Viewed: 9535 times
Dear Anne Hereford

Thank you
Topic "estimate surface runoff with WEAP Model"