Subject: How to set all other supply nodes to allways deliver all water they can Posted: 3/30/2019 Viewed: 9322 times
hello, i want all my other supplies to give off all water they possibly can (inflow), as they (in my model) represent objects like wastewater treatment plants (as i have disconnected system representation i.e. there arent links between how much water users of it take and produce (becouse of form of data i use and way how my model should work).
Looking for any possible solution.
Ms. Anne Hereford
Subject: Re: How to set all other supply nodes to allways deliver all water they can Posted: 4/22/2019 Viewed: 9199 times
Dear Miroslav,
If i understand your question correctly, i think this is how WEAP treats "Other Supply" objects generally--the outflow will match the inflow minus any outflow that is designated to help meet specified Demands. If your Demand site is receiving water from more than one Supply, you will need to specify the Supply Preference (you can do this by right-clicking on a Transmission Link from your Supply and changing the preference under General Info).
If i've misunderstood your question, please respond with more details/clarification.
Topic "How to set all other supply nodes to allways deliver all water they can"