Subject: the input data Posted: 3/26/2019 Viewed: 9476 times
I would ask about the input data to WEAP should it be a monthly or annual data? I mean water demand and supply data.
Thank you for your help
Mr. David Yates
Subject: Re: the input data Posted: 4/18/2019 Viewed: 9402 times
Dear Mido, WEAP is able to simulate at timesteps as short as one day, or longer. In the "General-> Years and timesteps, is where the timestep of the model is set. Data, therefore can be (almost) any increment one day or longer.
Mr. Mido Wakeel
Subject: Re: the input data Posted: 4/20/2019 Viewed: 9366 times
Dear David,
Thank you for your help. Kindly, I have monthly inflow data into High Aswan Dam reservoir in Egypt, should I input this data in the local reservoir (inflow) OR input it in the river (headflow) OR surface water inflow?
By the way, I will connect the local reservoir with the river.
Thank you so much for opening the way to me
Kind regards