Subject: Effect of climate variables on water demand Posted: 3/25/2019 Viewed: 9707 times
I am estimating the effect of climate change on water availability and I am facing some difficulties on the demand module.
How can I insert information about water demand sensitivity to climate variables (temperature, air humidity, etc.) on WEAP?
Ms. Anne Hereford
Subject: Re: Effect of climate variables on water demand Posted: 4/22/2019 Viewed: 9582 times
Dear Karina,
I would suggest you use the Expression Builder to adjust the Annual Water Use Rate for your Demand sites. You can incorporate any of the existing parameters in your model into your expressions (Click on the Branches tab within the Expression Builder window). As a simple example, your Annual Water Use Rate might look like this to reflect dependence on temperature data:
If(catchment1:Temperature[C] >35,Key\Unit Irrigation Water Needs[m^3] *.9,Key\Unit Irrigation Water Needs[m^3])
In this example, I dragged "catchment1" from its place under the Demand Sites and Catchments branch within the Expression Builder window into the expression at the bottom of the window. When you drag the catchment to the expression box, WEAP will present you with a list of all possible parameters associated with the catchment, from which you can choose temperature. I then told WEAP that if the Temperature is greater than 35 degrees C, the Annual Water Use Rate would be 90% (0.9*) the Unit Irrigation Water Needs (which i have entered as a Key Assumption). The expression goes on to indicate that if the Temperature is NOT >35 degrees, the Water Use Rate should be the Unit Irrigation Water Needs value.
I hope this example will help you build your own expressions to represent fluctuating demand.
Miss Karina Simone Sass
Subject: Re: Effect of climate variables on water demand Posted: 5/15/2019 Viewed: 9478 times
Thank you very much for your answer Anne!
Topic "Effect of climate variables on water demand"