Subject: A river pours into a lake (reservoir) Posted: 2/27/2019 Viewed: 9094 times
Hello everyone,
I was trying to link a river that pours into a reservoir, only transmission link can be used in this case, so I want to make all outflow from the river to be inflow for the reservoir. What conditions would be needed for this link or maybe for the reservoir's inflow to achieve this purpose?
Explanation and any help to solve this issue is highly appreciated.
Thank you,
Best Regards,
Mr. Jack Sieber
Subject: Re: A river pours into a lake (reservoir) Posted: 2/27/2019 Viewed: 9092 times
If a reservoir is the last node on a river, then it will capture all of its flow, up to the Top of Conservation level in the reservoir. Make sure that the reservoir's priority for filling is lower than all other upstream demands or reservoirs; otherwise, it might draw down other reservoirs or reduce upstream withdrawals in order to fill itself.