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All Topics | Topic "simple question - MCS not possible in Specify monthly demand"
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Mr. Miroslav Kandera

Subject: simple question - MCS not possible in Specify monthly demand   
Posted: 2/6/2019 Viewed: 9119 times
Hello, i found very strange thing as i was preparing my data from demands for read from file. It seems like i can use CMS units when selecting "Specify yearly demand and monthly variation", but for some reason not when i select "specify monthly demand".

As creating my own unit in "unit definitions" is not exact solution because i cannot insert different amount of days of months into conversion factor (so best i can use this way is 3600*24*30.4) what will make not insignificant differences between demands in months, i am looking for different solution.

For now (if there is not any option how to add CMS to monthly demand), i will convert my demand data from CMS to M^3, but it would make my preparation of data much easier (as i have all data for flows, discharges, demands etc. in CMS).

I would appreciate any helpful informations.

Thank you.
Mr. Jack Sieber

Subject: Re: simple question - MCS not possible in Specify monthly demand   
Posted: 2/6/2019 Viewed: 9113 times
WEAP requires a volume unit (e.g., m^3) for Monthly Demand (also for the Annual Water Use Rate, if you choose "Specify yearly demand and monthly variation"). However, you can use WEAP's built-in variable "days" to convert from CMS to m^3. For example, if the monthly demand is 3 CMS, you would enter the following for the expression to calculate cubic meters per month: 3 * days * 24 * 3600. In calculating the expression, WEAP will replace "days" with the number of days in each timestep.

Topic "simple question - MCS not possible in Specify monthly demand"