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Mr. Darlington Ikegwuoha

Subject: No subject   
Posted: 1/30/2019 Viewed: 9818 times
The new catchment delineation is good but it seems to change the area in Hectares of the original catchments for example my quaternary catchment B11A is 92245.48 while the area in the delineation mode is a total of 2068213 (when I add the areas in the different elevation branches within the catchment). I suspect it has merged some other catchments into B11A since B11A was the first catchment I delineated in my total of 114 catchments. What should I do to correct this?
Ms. Anne Hereford

Subject: Re: No subject   
Posted: 4/22/2019 Viewed: 9602 times
Dear Darlington,
You can move pourpoints (outlets) of automatic catchments by hovering your mouse over the pourpoint (until you see a cursor with arrows up, down, right, and left) and then click and drag it upstream or downstream along the same river. You can also subdivide a large catchment by holding down the Alt key on your keyboard and clicking upstream of an existing pourpoint. If this creates catchments on top of pre-existing catchments, you can delete them as necessary. These steps should help you to alter your catchments so that they don't include areas that are already covered by other catchments that you created manually.
Please let me know if this doesn't answer your question.
Topic "No subject"