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All Topics | Topic "New Version of WEAP (2019.0)"
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Mr. Jack Sieber

Subject: New Version of WEAP (2019.0)   
Posted: 1/2/2019 Viewed: 12197 times
A new version of WEAP is now available, with several new features and bug fixes. It is recommended for all users to get the update. As always, this new version is backwards compatible with data sets developed in earlier versions of WEAP.

If you have a problem with the automatic update, you can download the full installation from http://www.weap21.org/Download There is no need to uninstall your existing version first.

What's New:

- MODFLOW pumping from inactive cells: Previously, if one of the layers of a cell was inactive, and the pump layer included that inactive layer, WEAP would erroneously try to pump from the cell in that inactive layer. In this new version of WEAP, if any of the layers are inactive, WEAP will reapportion pumping to the active cells. For example, if pumping equally from ten cells split across layers 1 and 2, and layer 1 was inactive for two of the cells, instead of 10% of the pumping directed to each of the ten cells, 12.5% would be directed to the eight active cells.
- MODFLOW option: Choose whether or not to reapportion pumping from dry or inactive cells to other cells. Go to General, Basic Parameters, MODFLOW Pumping if Dry or Inactive Cells. In cases where some of the cells being pumped become dry or inactive, this setting determines whether WEAP will pump more from the other cells (Reapportion), or reduce pumping proportionally (Do not reapportion) . For example, if a demand site is pumping equally from 10 cells (10% of demand from each), and 2 cells become dry, WEAP will either pump 12.5% from each of the other 8 cells (Reapportion the 20% from the 2 dry cells to the other 8 cells) or pump 10% of demand from each of the other 8 cells, which would mean that at most 80% of the demand could be satisfied. Determining the correct setting for this option depends on the characteristics of your system, for example, if individual pumps have the ability to increase their pumping or not to pick up the slack for pumps that cannot pump due to dry cells.
- MODFLOW Global Head Boundary (GHB) Package: WEAP was not requiring GHB results to be saved to the cell-to-cell flows results file, in which case the WEAP groundwater mass balance did not include them. This has been fixed.
- MODFLOW cell to cell flow results: WEAP now checks to make sure that all required results exist, and no unexpected results exist.
- MODFLOW-NWT: WEAP will now allow the WELL package in a MODFLOW-NWT model to include a line with the SPECIFY keyword. See https://water.usgs.gov/ogw/modflow-nwt/MODFLOW-NWT-Guide/ for more information.
- MODFLOW-NWT: Because MODFLOW-NWT does not use the special head value HDRY to denote dry cells, WEAP will now check if the cell's head is below the bottom of the cell to determine if a cell is dry (but only when using MODFLOW-NWT).
- Latest version of MODFLOW-NWT included (version 1.1.4, 4/1/2018). See https://water.usgs.gov/ogw/modflow-nwt/ for more information.
- Displaying MODFLOW cell results in the Results View, Map tab: The current row, column and layer are now shown in the title for the chart below the map. Also, fixed bug that was preventing display of results using colors on map.
- Save all MODFLOW input and output files: This option is no longer required in order to view MODFLOW results (cell head, recharge, pumping, etc.). Turning it off should save substantial disk space.
- Delete Results: The "Delete Results" button on the Manage Areas screen now will delete MODFLOW results files even if they are in a subdirectory.

- Calculations and Results View:
- Reduced size for result files (up to 70% smaller)
- Reduced number of "required" result variables: Fewer result variables are required to be saved in Edit, Result Variable, Select Variable to Save. (Turning off the saving of various result variables can save calculation time and disk space.)
- Results View Menu: In cases where the user has turned off the saving of various result variables (to save calculation time and disk space), those inactive variables are now listed at the bottom of each list of result variables on the menu, sometimes within a nested submenu named "Inactive Results."
- Results View Legend: As you move the mouse over the items in the legend, all items except the highlighted one will turn gray in the chart, making it easy to see the highlighted results.
- Result variables renamed: the title of all daily result variables have been changes so that they begin with "Daily," e.g., "Daily Irrigation."
- Fixed bug: Negative net evaporation (precip) on a reservoir had been ignored if the reservoir was full.
- Fixed bug: In some cases, WEAP was incorrectly giving the error "The sum of reach evaporation, outflow to groundwater and flooding cannot exceed 100% of river flow," which caused calculations to halt.

- API:
- API: New API function to test if results exist: WEAP.ResultsExist(BranchVarName, Year, TimeStep, Scenario). For example, River Flood Inflow only exists for catchment branches if there is non-zero flooding inflow in that timestep.
- Set scale and unit via API: The scale and unit for demand branches and key assumption branches can be set using the Variable.ScaleUnit API, e.g., WEAP.Branch("\Demand Sites\West City").Variables("Annual Activity Level").ScaleUnit = "Million Person", WEAP.Branch("\Demand Sites\West City").Variables("Annual Water Use Rate").ScaleUnit = "1000 m^3", WEAP.Branch("\Key Assumptions\Drivers\GDP").Variables("Annual Activity Level").ScaleUnit = "European Euro"
- Set method via API: The method for Demand Sites, Catchments and Groundwater nodes can now be set via the API, e.g., WEAP.Branch("\Demand Sites\West City").Variables("Method").Expression = "Specify monthly demand", WEAP.Branch("\Demand Sites\Catchment 1").Variables("Method").Expression = "Rainfall Runoff (soil moisture method)", WEAP.Branch("\Demand Sites\Catchment 1").Variables("Method").Expression = "MABIA", or WEAP.Branch("\Supply and Resources\Groundwater\North Aquifer").Variables("Method").Expression = "Model GW-SW Flows"

- Miscellaneous:
- Default Water Use Rate unit: The unit for Annual Water Use Rate for new demand sites and new demand branches will be the unit as set in General, Units, Default Water Use Rate.
- Translations: Improved translations for Portuguese, Turkish and Khmer (Cambodian)

Jack Sieber
WEAP Developer
Stockholm Environment Institute
Mr. Eduardo Bustos

Subject: Re: New Version of WEAP (2019.0)   
Posted: 1/2/2019 Viewed: 12171 times
Great news Jack! Thanks for this update and also a great and happy new year for you and the WEAP Community!

Dr. Andrea Momblanch Benavent

Subject: Re: New Version of WEAP (2019.0)   
Posted: 1/25/2019 Viewed: 11564 times
I am using the latest version of the model and it is giving me an error when I set groundwater infiltration to a non-zero value for my glacier melt runoff. However, the manual clearly says that if the glacierised catchment is not linked to a groundwater node water is lost from the system, so the model should run with or without groundwater node.

Is it a bug or you changed this process and forgot to update the information in the manual?

Mr. Jack Sieber

Subject: Re: New Version of WEAP (2019.0)   
Posted: 2/1/2019 Viewed: 11534 times
Hi Andrea,

You are right -- WEAP does require a connection to a groundwater node in this case. I will update the manual in the next version of WEAP to reflect this change.

Topic "New Version of WEAP (2019.0)"